Tuesday, June 30, 2009

sexy, sexy, SEXAY!

I think my eyes just experienced U4EA (yup euphoria)
this stuff is so SEXY

His name is MATT W.MOORE <-----Click immediately


Ok so I decided to make a video yesterday... being very bored I went out in the rain and let the creative juices flow. So I finally made a youtube channel where I can put my weird videos up and you guys can subscribe and do all that good stuff...heres the first of many vids ENJOY!


Monday, June 29, 2009

Kid things are for Kids right?


Lego is a cool toy and even though im 19 I still like playing around with them, building anything imaginable...I'm sure you like them too... here are some really cool lego creations hope they inspire you to build your dreams!

DIsco Tune of the week!

Well in Honor of the passing of Michael the tune for this week is by none other then the Jackson 5 (my favorite group, and I'm not just saying that because of what happened lol)

Put on your dancing shoe for this one
heres J5 with Dancing Machine

heres the album that it came from as well... just incase you guys want to look for the song :)

Thursday, June 25, 2009


I've noticed that people tend to die in pairs ... if you haven't heard by now you must be living under a rock. Michael Jackson was just pronounced dead. I know it's shocking.... just out of nowhere.

***You never know how long you have on earth and tomorrow is not promised, earth is only our temporary home make sure you know that bouncer of the club we're all headed to in the sky cause if your name is not on the guest list..... feel real sorry for you.***

Here i'll leave you guys with one of my favorite Michael Jackson songs

Dear, Michael - Michael Jackson

Also R.I.P to Farrah Faucet who also died today :(

Disco Tune of the week!

Here you weekly dose of boogie!
This is Taste of honey with Boogie Oogie Oogie one of my favorite Disco songs.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

pop art love!

Ahhhhh my favorite era of art... the POP ART era! Take it in.... be inspired by these pop art greats
Andy Warhol
Richard Hamilton
(and my favorite) Roy Litchenstien <3

Google em baby!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Juicy Secrets!

Continuing on with the fathers day festivities check out this sundays post secret. (link below)

Oh and if you like post secret they update there blog every sunday so check them out!

Who's your Daddy?!?

In light of today, I would like to express my appreciation to all the fathers out there that take care of and love their kids. And if you don't know your father show some extra love to you mother because she is doing twice the job, and if you don't have neither a father or a mother with you at the time..... thank your father up above for keeping you all these wonderful years!

Special fathers day shout out to my Daddy...... LOVE YOU!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cutest School picture ever!

Isn't she lovely? (sung like Stevie Wonder)


watching MTV and made is on.... which brings up a very important question. What would I want to made into? out of every single living thing in the entire world. hmmm ? what do I like, and what would i want to do that would definitely be a challenge? well obviously i like music... so I though a DJ... yes i would like to be MADE into a DJ! and not one of the new age digital DJ's either, I'm talkin like old school vinyl carry around crates DJ's... markers on records DJ's.... that would definitely be cool.

What would you want to made into? ANYTHING in the world sky is the limit.

(Oh By the way in case you wondering the kid on TV wants to become PROM KING!) lol

Heres a classic DJ scene from the movie juice :) ( Mike Epps was sooooo hot)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Disco Tune of the week

Alright the title speaks for itself heres a little something for you to get down to during the week. ENJOY!

The wonderful Aretha Franklin with the groovy hit ROCK STEADY

Monday, June 15, 2009

Summa summa summa Time!

It's getting to that time of year. Warm weather, hot bods, and hot leather car seats. I just love the summer season, no school, BBQ's, and theme parks. (exhales) Just wanted to post a picture to further heighten your summer thoughts of happiness, and a little music from the fresh prince himself!

hot hot hot ear candy!

Alright well I listen alot of music... and while wasting valuble time on internet, I come across alot of great stuff. One group in particular I discovered a few months ago...then while watching t.v I heard their song playing on a mobile commercial....for AT&T I think.
THE NEW YOUNG PONY CLUB (also known as NYPC ) have a great style. Indie, electro, pop, rock, is just up my alley and I love their stuff check out there myspace listen to their music.

(Oh yeah and their british so it makes them even cooler another reason to listen to them)